Municipal Building Parking
One and two hour free parking on the street is available in front of the Municipal Building on West Park Avenue and behind the Municipal Building on West Tuscarawas Avenue. There is unlimited free parking in the City Lot on the corner of Third Street NW and West Park Avenue and Wooster Road W (behind Magic 8 Cinema).
Ways We Can Help
The Clerk’s Office Can:
- Answer questions you may have about court procedures.
- Help you find information about your case and where you must go for court.
- Answer questions about monies owed to the court.
- Direct you to other agencies that can provide assistance.
The Clerk’s Office Cannot:
- Give you legal advice or fill out forms for you.
- Tell you what to say or write.
- Recommend lawyers or bonding agents.
- Reschedule for the Judge’s office.
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Canton – Reinstatement Office
Phone: 844-644-6268
Columbus – Bureau of Motor Vehicles Office
Phone: 614-752-7500
Akron Municipal Clerk of Courts
Akron Civil Courts
Phone: 330-375-2920
Akron Criminal Courts
Phone: 330-375-2570
Akron Traffic Courts
Phone: 330-375-2572
Stow Municipal Clerk of Courts
Stow Civil Courts
Phone: 330-564-4148
Stow Criminal / Traffic Courts
Phone: 330-564-4149
Contact Us
Presiding Administrative Judge
Diana Stevenson
Andy Peck
Outside Bailiff
Caitlin Dennis
Chief Deputy
Renee Loshark
Probation Assistant
Senior Probation Officer