Operation & Services of the Court
The Barberton Municipal Court website is designed to help you find information you may need about the operation and services of this court. Our goal is to support the citizens of our jurisdiction and beyond by providing efficient and effective services in a courteous and timely manner. For more information about our court, please visit the Clerk of Courts page. Other services and information can be found in the menu bar at the top of this page.
We hope you find this site to be convenient and useful. We welcome the opportunity to make the Court more accessible to you.

Todd M. McKenney
Presiding Administrative Judge

Diana Stevenson
Traffic Court Appearance via Zoom®
Notice of Option to Appear in Court via Zoom® Videoconferencing
If you have been summoned to appear before the Barberton Municipal Court, the Court utilizes Zoom® video conferencing for certain offenses allowing you to appear electronically through the Zoom® app on either your smartphone or computer with web camera and microphone.
Zoom Traffic Court initial appearances are conducted at 9:30am, Tuesdays and can be scheduled by contacting the Clerk of Courts at 330-753-2261.
Zoom Traffic Court sessions are conducted after in-person court sessions, so you may be waiting in the Court Waiting Room for a period of time depending upon the number of in-person appearances. Please be patient if opting to appear via Zoom.
If scheduled for a Zoom appearance, you will receive an email invitation with a Zoom link for the date of your appearance. At 9:30am on the date of your scheduled Zoom appearance, attend our Traffic Court by clicking on the link provided, or opening the Zoom® app, selecting “Join,” and entering the Court’s meeting ID: 293-008-4196 Upon entering the Court’s Zoom® meeting you will be held in a virtual waiting room until your case is called. Please be patient.
- Select “Join with Video” and “Call using Internet Audio” when joining. Enabled video is mandatory
- Proper attire is required. You are attending a public proceeding.
- Please make every effort to minimize background distractions – your audio is heard in a public courtroom by those attending in person.
Please note: The Court’s Zoom Meeting Room is an open forum affording public access. Guest are also welcome to observe the proceeding by entering the Barberton Municipal Court static Meeting ID above. However, behavior deemed inappropriate will have user subject to removal from the Room. As a participant, you acknowledge your appearance is both broadcast within the public courtroom and live-streamed through the Court’s live feed.
Please have a stable internet connection and enable the audio/allow use of microphone and video/allow use of camera for participation. Both audio and video must be enabled for participation in the court hearing. If the defendant fails to appear in person or via zoom with enabled audio and video for participation, a warrant will be issued or kept on a case.
Emergency Alerts
Contact Us
Physical Address
576 W Park Avenue
Room 205
Barberton, OH 44203
Phone: 330-753-2261
Fax: 330-861-7120
Diana Stevenson
Phone: 330-861-7217