The City Engineer is the head of the Engineering Division and is appointed by the Mayor. Administratively, the Engineering Division is considered to be part of the Department of Public Service. As such, the City Engineer reports to the Director of Public Service.
The Engineering Division is primarily responsible for the design and construction activities related to city streets, sidewalks, sewer and water utilities, bridges and facilities, and properties.
City of Barberton Residential Sidewalk Program
City ordinance requires property owners to replace sidewalks, drive approaches or any other associated element when they become defective, unsafe or hazardous. The City of Barberton has a program to partner with residents to share the cost 60/40 for existing residential sidewalk removal and replacement.
Construction in the City of Barberton Right-Of-Way
Prior to any work or construction within the City right-of-way, a permit must be obtained from the Building/Engineering Department. The permit process provides for the protection of the general public and the City’s infrastructure assets.
Geographic Information System Mapping (GIS)
The City is currently partnering with the Summit County Department of Development – GIS on bringing enhanced GIS services for the both the residents and potential developers. Currently, Summit County’s GIS Mapping may accessed here:
Contact Us
Physical Address
576 W Park Avenue
Room 103
Barberton, OH 44203
Email the Engineering Department
Phone: 330-848-6724
Fax: 330-848-6654
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.