
The City of Barberton income tax rate is currently 2.25%.

Income taxes for the City of Barberton are processed by the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA). For all tax returns and registration forms, please go the Regional Income Tax Agency website.

Due to a change in state law, city income tax returns must now be filed by April 15th.

RITA Tax Payer Assistance Schedule

At this time, there are no tax payer assistance dates scheduled for 2024. City of Barberton residents needing their city taxes prepared for them by RITA, can bring a copy of their tax documents (W-2, 1099, etc.) to the Finance Departments Drive Thru window at 104 Third St. NW. This is the same drive thru that is used to pay your City of Barberton utility bills.


The Process

The process for drop off will go as follows: let the City of Barberton employee know you are here to drop off your tax documents so RITA can prepare your city taxes for you. They will then pass out a clipboard with a pen, empty envelope, and a form. It is important you fill out the form so RITA will apply the return to the correct account and if they would need to contact you with any questions. Place the completed form and tax documents into the blank envelope and seal the envelope. It is important to make sure all the tax documents are in the envelope before sealing. For security purposes, these envelopes will not be opened until RITA receives them, so no employees in the City of Barberton Finance Department will be opening these envelopes. Then return the pen, clipboard and sealed envelope back to the employee. The City of Barberton will then mail this envelope of information to RITA for you. If you would owe any tax when RITA prepares the return, RITA will mail you a bill for the tax owed.

The hours to drop off this information are the normal drive thru hours of 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The drive thru does close daily for lunch from 12:30 PM – 1:15 PM.

Please have your tax documents ready when you get to the drive thru. Also, make sure to bring copies of your tax documents. Once you place them in the envelope and seal the envelope, you will not be getting these tax documents back. If you are in a hurry, you can always print off the RITA Tax Drop Off Form, fill out the form and place this completed form and your tax documents into an envelope before coming to the drive thru. Then you will just need to give the City of Barberton employee at the drive thru your sealed envelope and let them know it contains your tax information for RITA to prepare your taxes.

RITA Non-Filing Notices

The Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) mailed non-filer letters to taxpayers that neglected to file a municipal income tax return.

Taxpayers can simply send RITA the documents listed on the non-filing letter.

e-file returns or exemptions

Mail: RITA
Attn: Compliance Department 198
Regional Income Tax Agency
PO BOX 470538
Broadview Heights, OH 44147-0538

Fax: 440-922-3510

More details about Non-Filing Notices

More Information

Find information about taxes on the Ohio Department of Taxation website.

General RITA Contact Information

Main Office:
10107 Brecksville Road
Brecksville, Ohio 44141

Mailing Address:
Regional Income Tax Agency
P.O. Box 477900
Broadview Hts., Ohio 44147

Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm

Phone: 800-860-7482
TDD: 440-526-5332
Alternate Phone: 440-526-0900
Fax: 440-526-8813
RITA Website