
The Barberton Probation Department is part of the Barberton Municipal Court. The Department works under the direction of the Judges. The Probation Department is charged with providing supervision of offenders in the community, alternative sentencing in lieu of jail, as well as producing various investigative reports for the Court.

General Supervision

The Probation Department monitors a wide variety of offenders that require varying degrees of supervision.


The Probation Department is also responsible for providing the court with a wide array of investigative reports. These investigations generally fall into one of the following areas:

  • Mental Health Court Evaluations
  • Diversion Assessments
  • Restitution Investigations
  • Presentence Investigation Reports
  • Sealing Investigations

Community Service

The Community Service Program is a cost effective and efficient sentencing alternative that responds to the needs of the Court and of the community. In appropriate cases, defendants are sentenced to perform hours of service as ordered by the court, as an alternative to jail. Defendants have been ordered to work at numerous nonprofit and governmental agencies in the Barberton Municipal Court District as part of community service.

Fee Schedule

View the fee schedule for the Probation Department.

Contact Us

Probation Department
Physical Address
576 W Park Avenue
Room 204
Barberton, OH 44203

Email the Probation Department

Phone: 330-848-6727
Fax: 330-752-9131


Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Rebecca Dilbeck
Chief Probation Officer

Email Rebecca

Phone: 330-848-6727