Statewide Burning Ban In Effect
Ohio Law prohibits outdoor open burning from March 1 – June 1 from 6AM – 6PM
Per OAC 3745-19, burning is limited in the spring due to the abundance of dry fuel on the ground. Winds can make a seemingly safe fire burn more intense and escape control.

From the Chief
Before 1895, fire brigades from five factories in the city of Barberton provided the city’s fire protection. Over the years, the Barberton Fire Department has evolved to meet the public’s needs. The department is funded through the city’s income tax-based General Fund and a 0.75 mill levy specifically for capital expenses.
The Barberton Fire Department provides the following services to the community:
- Fire Code Enforcement
- Fire Safety Education
- Fire Suppression
- Fire Investigation
- Emergency Medical Services
- Specialized Rescue
- Hazardous Materials Mitigation
With 46 full-time employees, the department has evolved into an all-hazard response service answering over 4,800 calls annually.
Stephen Ionno
Fire Chief
Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives
Need to open a work order, check on a work order, or have additional questions for our offices and officials? We encourage you to reach out!
Contact Us
Physical Address
580 Wooster Road West
Barberton, OH 44203
Phone: 330-848-6732
Fax: 330-745-3369