Boards & Commissions
Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission is responsible for prescribing, amending and enforcing rules for the classification of positions in the Civil Service, for position examinations and resignations, and for position appointments, promotions, removals, transfers, layoffs, suspensions, reductions and reinstatements.
Design Review Board
Design Review Board is a volunteer board created to develop and recommend guidelines for Certificates of Appropriateness, recommend properties for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, and to recommend plans, regulations, guidelines or programs of the enhancement of properties or areas of historic or architectural significance in the City.
Parks & Recreation Commission
The Barberton Parks and Recreation Commission, established by City Charter, consists of five members. The Commission meets monthly and appoints employees, controls, equips and manages parks, playgrounds, indoor recreation centers and any lands or buildings owned or used by the City for parks and recreation purposes.
Planning Commission
The Planning Division is responsible for planning and providing regulations relating to the platting of all lands within the City, making regulations as to the manner in which streets and other public ways shall be graded and improved as well as regulating the manner and extent to which water, sewer, and other utility mains, piping or other facilities shall be installed.