
City Properties, Parks & Rec.

This Committee is responsible for legislation for acquisition of property, for parks or general municipal functions, excluding downtown redevelopment and for legislation concerning the maintenance of all City buildings and all parks and recreation facilities, excluding utilities.

Chair: Kenneth Cheatham
Members: Rebecca Gearhart, Jennifer Hager and Justin Greer

This committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:00 pm. in Council Chambers.

City Utilities

This Committee is responsible for legislation regarding: water, sewer, and trash; authorizing bids for public works, improvements; for purchase of equipment or materials; setting sewer rates; the method of trash pick-up and payment of said service; the maintenance of City utilities; all matters relating to electric, gas, telephone, and cable public utilities. This Committee is responsible for the establishment of specific objectives in the development of long range plans for utility improvements, extensions of services provided by the City, and cost containment.

Chair: Shorter Griffin
Members: Jennifer Hager, Emily Beck and Justin Greer

This committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:00 pm. in Council Chambers.

Environmental Health & Social Services

This Committee is responsible for health department legislation and all matters relating to AMHA housing and all social service agency operations that function within the City.

Chair: Jennifer Hager
Members: Shorter Griffin, Tayler Thompson and Justin Greer

This committee meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday at 6:00 pm in Council Chambers.

Finance & Personnel

This Committee is responsible for all legislation involving appropriations, transfers, or expenditure of funds; all budget and pay ordinances; ordinances setting salaries and numbers of employees; and ordinances authorizing contracts with bargaining units.

Chair: Tayler Thompson
Members: Thomas Heitic, Shorter Griffin and Justin Greer

This committee meets every Monday at 6pm in Council Chambers.

Planning, Annexation & Codes

Planning & Codes: this Committee is responsible for all legislation relating to the planning department; zoning changes or zoning text amendments; and, building department operations.

Annexation: this Committee is responsible for all legislation concerning annexation and the establishment of specific objectives and goals to include designation of areas relative to long range plans for commercial, retail, and residential development.

Chair: Thomas Heitic
Members: Tayler Thompson, Monte Harris and Justin Greer

This committee meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday at 6pm in Council Chambers.

Public Welfare & Safety

This Committee is responsible for legislation regarding the police and fire departments, as well as the City’s criminal and traffic Codified Ordinances.

Chair: Monte Harris
Members: Kenneth Cheatham, Rebecca Gearhart and Justin Greer

This committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 6pm in Council Chambers.

Rules, Marketing & Development

Rules: this Committee has the responsibility to develop rules which govern how council governs and runs itself. When there are questions on the floor, the Presiding Officer may call upon this Committee to resolve disputes of order or disputes concerning how Council is governing itself.

Marketing: this Committee is responsible for the design, coordination, and implementation of a marketing scheme to promote the community. Responsibility includes coordination of efforts between the Barberton Community Development Corporation (BCDC), the Chamber of Commerce, City Administration and other groups interested in providing further economic development within the City.

Development: this Committee is responsible for all financial assistance legislation designed to attract commercial and industrial development, as well as retention of existing business within the City. This includes, but is not limited to, activity of the BCDC, enterprise zone, tax abatement, tax increment financing, distribution of CDBG funds, federal historic rehabilitation tax credits, etc.

Chair: Rebecca Gearhart
Members: Emily Beck, Thomas Heitic and Justin Greer

This committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 6pm in Council Chambers.

Streets, Sidewalks & Lighting

This Committee is responsible for all legislation for all street maintenance and purchase of equipment therefore by bid; legislation dealing with public transportation (buses and cabs) and city-owned parking facilities; and, the development of policies relating to sidewalk, curb, streets and lighting improvements within the City.

Chair: Emily Beck
Members: Monte Harris,Kenneth Cheatham and Justin Greer

This committee meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday at 6pm in Council Chambers.

Contact Us

City Council Office
Physical Address
576 W Park Avenue
Room 106
Barberton, OH 44203

Phone: 330-848-6662

Justin Greer

Email Justin
Phone: 330-600-4613

Laura Ries-Price
Clerk of Council

Email Laura
Phone: 330-848-6662

Hanah Ramsey
Law – Public Records Clerk

Email Hanah
Phone: 330-848-6662

Thomas Heitic

Email Thomas
Phone: 234-303-4315

Tayler Marie Thompson

Email Tayler
Phone: 330-808-5649

Jennifer Hager
1st Ward

Email Jennifer
Phone: 330-844-4704

Kenneth Cheatham
2nd Ward

Email Kenneth
Phone: 330-834-7587

Shorter Griffin
3rd Ward

Email Shorter
Phone: 330-753-5414

Emily Beck
4th Ward

Email Emily
Phone: 234-350-7891

Rebecca Gearhart
5th Ward

Monte Harris
6th Ward