Honoring Veterans Day

This Veterans Day, we honor our troops, past and present. Veterans have a long history in our community, and we are so proud of their courage and dedication to protecting our freedoms.

Keep reading for an interesting story from Ohio National Guard troops in Barberton:

“In 1921, Troop F, of the 107th Mounted O.N.G. (Ohio National Guard) Cavalry moved into the O. C. Barber Pig Barn. They would remain in the barn until 1939.

The troop was made up mostly of veterans of World War I, and many Barbertonians had relatives in this group of mounted horse soldiers. The Cavalry marched in every Barberton parade and would put on elaborate horse shows in the field west of the Pig Barn on Sunday afternoons. There were even staircases built up on the outside of the Piggery to the lower roofs for spectators to view the horse shows.”

Learn more about this cavalry in this Facebook post from the Barberton Historical Society.

Photo and article excerpted from: A Pictorial History of Barberton, Ohio by Steve Kelleher

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