576 West Park Avenue
Room 202
Barberton, OH 44203
You need to schedule the ceremony in advance by calling either Judge Todd McKenney’s bailiff at 330-861-7215 or Judge Diana Stevenson’s bailiff at 330-861-7217 to choose a date and time for your wedding.
You must have a valid marriage license, photo identification and pay a court cost of $40 the day of the ceremony. Marriage licenses are issued through the Summit County Probate Court and you may call them at 330-643-2346 for their requirements or go to the Summit Ohio Probate website.
On the day of your wedding you should come to the courthouse (on the Second Floor of the Municipal Building) and check in with the Security Bailiff. He will direct you to the Clerk of Courts Office Civil Division (Room 205) where you will pay the court cost. Be sure to bring your marriage license/certificate, valid photo identification for both parties and the court cost of $40, which may be cash, check or credit card. We do allow guests and photographs during the ceremony.