Mobile Community Access & Response Center

About the Mobile Community Access & Response Center

In 2018, the City of Barberton procured a recreational vehicle to directly deliver government and social services to low and moderate-income neighborhoods. Dubbed the “Mobile Community Access & Response Center,” the recreational vehicle is part of the ongoing ‘Barberton Forward, Neighborhoods First’ initiative. Inspiration for this project was provided by the City of Houston’s ‘Good to Go’  and United Way of Tarrant County’s Mobile Community Center. Purchased through federal funding from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), a program under the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), this mobile unit helps empower neighborhoods and fosters better connections between residents and the local government.

Eligibility Guidelines

Any non-profit, government or public agency/organization may apply to use the Mobile Community Access and Response Center within a low-to-moderate income census block in the City of Barberton. The organization must provide 501(c)(3) tax exemption status (if non-profit) and proof of liability insurance. If approved, the Department of Planning & Community Development will provide a Rental and Release of Liability Agreement to be signed by a representative from the organization. The City of Barberton will be named a loss payee on the organization’s liability insurance. The representative from the organization must be responsible for leasing the unit and be present for the entire duration of the event. Representative(s) from the organization must also complete the beneficiary reporting form. This information is needed to comply with HUD mandated reporting for CDBG accomplishments.

Making a Reservation

Reservations for the unit will be accepted following the review of a complete reservation application. Reservations for the unit should be made at least three (3) weeks before the event date. Reservations are on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, the City of Barberton reserves the right to cancel any reservation up to 48 hours from the approved event time, or in cases of state of emergency. Applications may be sent to [email protected] and will be reviewed within 2-3 business days.

Mobile Community Access & Resource Center Information Packet & Reservation Application

Questions & Comments

If you have any questions or comments regarding the Mobile Community Access & Response Center, please contact the DPCD at [email protected] or 330-848-3729.