Street Improvement Projects

In 2013 the residents of the City of Barberton passed Issue 8. Issue 8 is a .25% increase in income tax that is dedicated specifically to road improvements. The passage of Issue 8 gives Barberton a dedicated funding source to use towards road resurfacing, reconstruction, and road enhancements. Issue 8 generates over approximately one million dollars a year for street resurfacing and improvement.

In addition to Issue 8 funds the City utilizes permissive license tax funds for street maintenance and improvements. Permissive license tax funds come from vehicle registration fees of vehicles that are registered in the City. Permissive license tax funds can only be used on permissive streets.

Permissive Street Map

Grant Funded Projects

The City is constantly looking to leverage tax dollars by researching and applying for grants. Grants assist the City with funding projects it may otherwise not be able to afford. In relation to street and safety improvements, the City applies for grants through the Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS), Transportation Improvement District (TID), and the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) among others.