As of June 22nd, the City of Barberton has changed the online bill pay site for utility bills.
You are about to access the City of Barberton’s bill pay website. With this site, you will be able to sign up for email notifications, paperless billing, and pay by text. Some other features this site offers are being able to schedule payments, set up recurring payments, and set up an AutoPay using a credit card or checking account. You can still make a one-time payment with a credit card or checking account. There are no fees to use any of these services provided to you by the City of Barberton’s bill pay website.
Questions about Utilities Online Bill Access contact the Utilities Online Bill Pay Help Desk at (330) 861-7143 or at [email protected].
For all other Utilities customer service issues, please call our Utilities Customer Service office at 330-753-0328.