Appendix C: Bond Schedule

Bond Schedule for Criminal Offenses

Criminal Offense Face Amount of Bond Amount Paid Under 10%
First Degree Misdemeanor $1,500 $160
Second Degree Misdemeanor $1,000 $110
Third Degree Misdemeanor $750 $85
Fourth Degree Misdemeanor $500 $60
Minor Misdemeanor $250 $35
All Other Misdemeanors – other than traffic $750 $85

Please note:

  1. Bond shall only be taken on the charge for which the Defendant is arrested.
  2. On all felony charges the judge will set the bond.
  3. Domestic Violence – If Defendant is arrested, the bond will be set by the Judge.

Bond Schedule for Traffic Offenses

Traffic Offense Face Amount of Bond Amount Paid Under 10%
DWI $1,500 $160
Hit Skip $1,000 $110
Reckless Operation $1,000 $110
Suspended License $1,000 $110
Willful Fleeing $1,000 $110
Drag Racing $1,000 $110
No Driver’s License $1,000 $110
Other Traffic Offenses (non-moving) $250 $35
Other Traffic Offenses (moving) $500 $60

Please Note: Bond shall only be taken on the charge for which the Defendant is arrested.