Appendix D: Waiver Schedule

Waiverable Criminal Offenses as of August 27, 2019

Criminal Offenses

Criminal Offenses Fine Costs Total
Disorderly Conduct $71 $124 $195
Dog at Large (1st offense only) $17 $124 $141
Dog at Large (1st offense only) IN CITY OF BARBERTON $100 $124 $224
Dog at Large (2nd offense only) IN CITY OF BARBERTON $150 $124 $274
Misconduct at an Emergency $71 $124 $195
Noise Disturbance/Noise Ordinance (MM only) $62 $124 $186
Open Container $32 $124 $156
Miscellaneous Waivable Minor Misdemeanor
$124 $195

Natural Resources

Division of Natural Resources Fine Costs Total
Division of Watercraft (MM violations) $12 $124 $136
Division of Wildlife (MM Violations) $12 $124 $136
Division of State Parks (MM Violations) $12 $124 $136
Summit County Metro Parks (MM Violations) $12 $124 $136
Summit County Sheriff Marine Patrol (MM Violations) $12 $124 $136

Waiverable Parking Offenses as of August 27, 2019

Parking Offenses

Parking Offenses – City of Barberton Pay Within 3 Days Pay After 3 Days Pay After 30 Days
1 – Time-non meter violations in 15, 30, 60 and 120 minute zones $10 $12 $15
2 – No parking 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. $10 $12 $15
3A – No parking within 10 feet of fire hydrant $15 $17 $20
3B – No parking within 20 feet of crosswalk $15 $17 $20
3C – No parking within 30 feet of stop sign $15 $17 $20
3D – Parking more than 12 inches from curb $15 $17 $20
3E – Parked against traffic $15 $17 $20
3F – Parked on devil strip $15 $17 $20
3G – Parked in restricted area $15 $17 $20
3H – No parking in alley $15 $17 $20
3I – No parking 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. $15 $17 $20
3J – Blocking driveway $15 $17 $20
3K – Fire lane $15 $17 $20
3L – Other $15 $17 $20
351.16 – Handicapped Parking $250 $250 $250
Parking Offenses – City of Green (Schedule #1) Within 15 Days After 15 Days After 30 Days
452.01 Parking on Street $5 $10 $40
452.02 Illegally Parked Vehicle $5 $10 $40
452.04 Handicap Parking $250 $250 $250
452.04E Handicap Parking $250 $250 $250
452.05 Private/Public Property $5 $10 $40
452.055 Private Tow Zone $5 $10 $40
452.06 Unattended Motor Vehicle $5 $10 $40
452.07 Open Door in Traffic $5 $10 $40
452.08 Vehicle in Road $5 $10 $40
452.09 Truck Load Zone $5 $10 $40
452.10 Bus/Taxi Stops $5 $10 $40
452.11 Park in Alley $5 $10 $40
452.115 Snow Emergency $5 $10 $40
452.117 Commercial Vehicle in Residential $5 $10 $40
Parking Offenses – City of Green (Schedule #2) 1st Offense Subsequent Offense
452.03 Prohibited Standing/Parking $15 $30
452.03A Parking on Sidewalk $15 $30
452.03B Front of Driveway $15 $30
452.03C Park In Intersection $15 $30
452.03D Parking 10ft of Fire Hydrant $15 $30
452.03E Parking on Crosswalk $15 $30
452.03F Parking 20ft of Sidewalk $15 $30
452.03G Parking 30ft from Device $15 $30
452.03H Parking in Safety Zone $15 $30
452.03I Parking by Railroad $15 $30
452.03J Parking by Fire Station Driveway $15 $30
452.03K Park Obstructing Traffic $15 $30
452.03L Parking Beside Vehicle Parked on Street/Curb $15 $30
452.03M Parking on Bridge $15 $30
*452.03N Prohibited Parking $15 *$50
452.03O Parking within 1ft of Another Parked Vehicle $15 $30
452.03P Parking on Freeway $15 $30
Parking Offenses – City of Norton Within 3 Days After 3 Days After 30 Days
452.01 Parking on Street $20 $25 $30
452.02 Illegal Park Vehicle $20 $25 $30
452.03 Prohibited Standing/Parking $20 $25 $30
452.04 Handicap Parking $250 $250 $250
452.05 Private/Public Property $20 $25 $30
452.06 Private Tow Zone $20 $25 $30
452.07 Unattended Vehicle $20 $25 $30
452.08 Open Door In Traffic $20 $25 $30
452.09 Vehicle in Road $20 $25 $30
452.10 Truck Loading Zone $20 $25 $30
452.11 Bus/Taxi Stops $20 $25 $30
452.12 Parking in Alley $20 $25 $30
452.13 Parking in Emergency Zone $20 $25 $30
452.14 Business While Parked $20 $25 $30
452.15 Parking Property Prohibited $20 $25 $30
1640.08 Fire Lane $20 $25 $30

Waiverable Traffic Offenses as of August 27, 2019

Important Information

If you received more than one violation on the face of the traffic ticket, you must pay the amount listed for each violation.

Checks must have current address and phone number listed. Please write ticket number on memo line for proper credit.

Traffic Offenses

Traffic Offense Code Section Fine Costs Total
Child Restraint (non-moving) 4511.81 $27 $104 $131
Expired Driver’s License (less than 6 months) (moving) 4510.12 $2 $133 $135
Minor Misdemeanor moving violation, other than Speeding as below, with Accident (moving) $32 $133 $165
Minor Misdemeanor moving violation, other than Speeding as below, No Accident (moving) $12 $133 $145
Minor Misdemeanor (non-moving) $12 $104 $116
Minor Misdemeanor (non-moving) with Accident $32 $104 $136
Parking Violations (non-moving) 4511.66, 4511.68 $12 $104 $116
Plate Violations (excluding fictitious plates and no plates) (non-moving) includes expired plates, display of plates 4503.21, 335.09, 436.09, 4503.191, 4503.11, 4503.12, 4549.11, 4549.12 $12 $104 $116
Reckless operation (MM only) (moving) 333.02, 434.02, 4511.20 $71 $133 $204
Distracted Driver (additional fine added to violation total if notated by law enforcement on ticket) ANY $100 N/A $100
Seat Belt (driver) 4513.263(B)(1) 4513.263(B)(1)$30.00 $89 $119
Seat Belt (passenger) 4513.263(B)(3) $20 $89 $109

Speeding Violations 2 Points, Except Where Exceeding Lawful Speed by 30 Miles Per Hour (MPH) or More, then 4 Points

MPH Over Limit Fine Cost Total
1 through 9 MPH $8 $133 $141
10 MPH $10 $133 $143
11 MPH $12 $133 $145
12 MPH $14 $133 $147
13 MPH $16 $133 $149
14 MPH $18 $133 $151
15 MPH $20 $133 $153
16 MPH $22 $133 $155
17 MPH $24 $133 $157
18 MPH $26 $133 $159
19 MPH $28 $133 $161
20 MPH $30 $133 $163
21 MPH $33 $133 $166
22 MPH $36 $133 $169
23 MPH $39 $133 $172
24 MPH $42 $133 $175
25 MPH $45 $133 $178
26 MPH $48 $133 $181
27 MPH $51 $133 $184
28 MPH $54 $133 $187
29 MPH $57 $133 $190
30 MPH $60 $133 $193
31 MPH $63 $133 $196
32 MPH $66 $133 $199
33 MPH $69 $133 $202
34 MPH $72 $133 $205
35 MPH $75 $133 $208
Slow Speed $40 $133 $173

Other Speeding Violations

Construction Zone R.C. 4511.21(P)(3):

  • 2 Points
  • 2 x applicable fine listed above plus $133 Court Costs = Total

School Zone:

  • 2 Points
  • Fine is $5 for every MPH over the speed limit plus $133 Court Costs
  • As a 2nd Moving Violation in 12 months, Speeding-School Zone requires court appearance

Special Requirements

A speeding violation that is 36 MPH or above the posted speed limit requires court appearance.

A third moving violation in a twelve month period requires court appearance.


Summit County Sheriff’s Office Weight Enforcement Unit

Overweight Violations

5577.04 (B)(1): Overweight violation of ___ pounds on a single axle (20,000 pounds maximum)

5577.04 (B)(2): Overweight violation of ___ pounds on a tandem axle assembly spaced ___ feet (34,000 pounds maximum)

5577.04 (B)(3): Overweight violation of  ___ pounds on ___ axles spaced ___ feet

5577.04 (E): Overweight violation of  ___ pounds in excess of the 80,000 pound limit

5577.07 (B): Overweight violation of  ___ pounds on ___ axles spaced ___ feet on a 25% reduced weight roadway


Fine schedule is listed in table below.


The costs for these violations is $133.


Fine + $133 costs = Total


Overweight Violation Fine Schedule

Overweight Violation Fine
0-2,000 pounds over $80
2,001 – 5,000 pounds over $100 (plus $1 per 100 pounds)
5,001 – 10,000 pounds over $130 (plus $2 per 100 pounds)
10,0001 pounds and over $160 (plus $3 per 100 pounds)

Overweight Violations

Violations Overweight Code Section Fine Total
Over width of ____ (8 feet 6 inch maximum) 5577.05 (A)(4) $158
Over length of ____ (65 feet maximum) 5577.05 (B)(6) $158
Over height of ____ (13 feet 6 inch maximum) 5577.05 (C) $158
No rear wheel protectors 5577.1 $129
Commercial Certificate of Registration 4549.18 $129