Applications for Funding

Public Notice for 2024 CDBG Public Service and Economic Development Applications

The City of Barberton Planning Department will accept applications for CDBG Public Service Activities until February 9, 2024. The City of Barberton Planning Department will also be accepting Economic Development applications on a rolling basis until the available allocation has been spent. For more information about the applications reach out to the Planning Department at 330-848-6729 or [email protected].

Project Eligibility Guidelines

This application is intended for public service, non-profit, or government agencies that provide eligible Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) activities for low to moderate-income (LMI) individuals and households. The project must align with at least one objective of the Consolidated Plan. All projects must be ready to start at the time of application. The project must be completed within one (1) year, and all agreements will be made with January 1 as the effective start date. Upon agreement execution, all eligible expenses after January 1 will be funded. All CDBG rules and regulations are in place even if the City and the agency have not signed an executed agreement.

Funding is contingent upon the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approval of the City’s Annual Action Plan (AAP). All CDBG grants are reimbursement-based. Agencies should have the financial capacity to provide the proposed projects until reimbursement for eligible costs is available.

Application Review & Process

Applicants must complete a full application to be considered for CDBG grant funding. It is recommended that applicants contact the Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD) to ensure that the proposed project is an eligible CDBG activity. Applications must be typed in the space provided on the application. Applications are in fillable PDF forms. If additional space is needed, the agency may attach additional pages. Please do not provide any additional attachments beyond those that have been requested. If there are requested attachments that the agency cannot provide, there must be an explanation regarding their omission. Complete applications must be submitted by March 10, 2023 at 5 P.M. to be considered for funding.

The Project Review Committee (PRC) will review applications after the DPCD determines application completion. The PRC will evaluate applications based on the following criteria:

  • Application completion, including appropriate documentation attached,
  • Meeting an objective of the Consolidated Plan,
  • Project eligibility and feasibility,
  • Agency capacity,
  • Evidence of matching/leveraged funding,
  • Collaboration with other agencies, and
  • Other criteria deemed necessary by the PRC.

Match Requirement

The grant requires an eighty/twenty percent (80/20) match. The grant can pay up to a maximum of eighty (80%) of a project’s total cost. The Applicant will be responsible for the twenty (20%) match and may use other leveraged funding sources.

Questions & Comments

If you have any questions or comments regarding this application, please contact [email protected] or 330-848-6729.